A reasonable standard of dress is required at all times. Please leave dirty/muddy footwear at the door, bare feet are not permitted in the clubrooms.
​No caps or singlets/high vis to be worn after 6:30pm daily. (7.30pm Daylight saving)
No offensive clothing or dress at any time.
Under no circumstances will any physical or verbal confrontation either on or near club premises be tolerated. Such behaviour will bring prompt disciplinary action from the Judiciary sub committee.
We also ask that members moderate their language out of respect for other members including women and children who attend the club
Te Atatu Boating Club (Inc.) shall not be responsible for the property of members left in or about the Clubhouse or Club grounds.
No member shall remove any property belonging to the Te Atatu Boating Club {Inc.) from the Clubhouse or Club property without written permission of the Executive Committee.
Members will at all times carry their membership card on club premises and observe and abide with the Laws and regulations stipulated by the Liquor Licensing Authority upon the Te Atatu Boating Club (Inc.).
The Executive Committee shall, subject to the provision of the Rules, have the power to make, alter or rescind any By-Laws or regulations if, from time to time as required, it may be considered necessary for the efficient running of the Club.
For our younger members we have an outside playground. Your children are your responsibility so please make sure you know where they are at all times. Whist we have tried to make our club area as safe as possible for children. Children are not allowed to use the adult pool tables or dart boards without parent supervision.
We encourage you to invite guests to join you at the Club. You must remember to sign your guests in at the bar with your name and membership number as well. Read the instructions re-signing guests in, you must carry your club card at all times. When you leave, your guests must leave with you. Each guest is allowed a maximum of 12 visits per year only. You can only sign in 6 guests at one time unless you have approval of the Commodore or club management.
BBQ Area
We have a BBQ area for your use at no charge. This area is only available when the bar is open, but please feel free to use the BBQ area with your friends, or even for a birthday party. However, you cannot bring liquor into the Club grounds, as all liquor must be purchased from the bar. Please make sure that you clean up the BBQ and BBQ area before you leave a $50 cleaning fee may be applied if left uncleaned. If you are having a large function in the BBQ area, notify the office so that extra bar staff can be considered.
We have 24-hour surveillance cameras all around the compound, wharf and clubhouse. There is a security gate that prevents non-members access to our grounds at night. If you need to obtain after hours access (10pm till 6am), please contact the office. To exit the yard simply drive to the sign on the gate and follow the instructions.
Smoking Facilities
All smoking is to be done in the designated smoking areas/The smoking room. This includes all vaping and e-cigarettes.
Parking on club grounds
Cars must be parked in the marked areas. Please do not park in no parking areas and be careful not to obstruct the ramps or access to the land end of the wharf.
The entire parking area to the end of the wharf is for short term loading and unloading (members have 3 hours to get their loading or unloading done). If vehicles are left for extended periods you may be towed away by the Club's towing contractor.
The yellow lined area in front of the Club is reserved for the Executive Committee, staff and disabled parking as marked
A 10km/h speed limit and one way system is in place and must be adhered to at all times
All parking signs are to be observed and/or any direction given by the custodian/executive member or club staff to be followed.
All vehicles left in carpark must display a current Te Atatu Boat club members sticker and current WOF and REG.
Each card holding member is allowed one vehicle at the club at any one time.
Boating Facilities
The hard site
Prior to any work on the hard site the Health and Safety sign on must be completed using the tablet in the office.
No cutting or grinding of steel on the yard or work bays.
No discharging of bilge water on the hard site, it must be contained and disposed of correctly at the owners expense.
Waste oil container is for oil only no fuel or other items to be disposed of in this tank.
Any use of cranes, Hiab’s, Cherry Pickers or similar devices will need prior approval from the TBC Club Manager and a permit issued.
No spray painting of vessels on the hard site.
Wet sanding of antifouling is permitted but only by pre-approval from the office. All correct equipment (according to council regulations) must be used or the club retains the right to halt any work if not meeting the requirements. The vessel must also be in the specified area.
Dry sanding is not allowed without pre-approved (from the office) vacuum extraction
You must read and sign all terms and conditions on your hard site contract prior to coming out of the water.
Public Liability Insurance is a requirement and a copy must be kept by the office before coming out of the water.
Your hard site area must be kept dean and tidy at all times. A financial penalty of $250 could be applicable for hard sites left untidy upon re-launching and or refusal to launch the vessel.
All accounts must be paid in full before your vessel is put back into the water - No Cash No Splash!!
You are responsible for putting your own vessel on and off our dub trolley/cradle for launching and retrieving. Any additional work required by the yardman is charged out at additional cost over and above the haul out fee.
Power tools and leads used by any and all contractors at TBC are required to have been checked and tagged for electrical compliance.
For Contractors to be approved to work at TBC, the following is required:
• A copy of the Contractor Health and Safety Plan.
• The TBC Contractor Agreement signed and returned to the TBC Office.
• TBC office provided copies of Public Liability ($5million) and Ship Repairers Liability Insurance ($2million) certificate.
Launching and Haul outs
All launching and haul outs, apart from trailer boats, are to be arranged with the Office at least one week in advance. All ground in the vicinity of hauled out vessels is to be kept clean and tidy at all times by occupiers.
It is the boat owner’s responsibility to ensure they have sufficient assistance for haul outs and launching. The club retains the right to refuse re-launching or haul out if the boat owner does not have enough assistance.
The current fee for hard site use shall be such a sum as the Executive Committee shall, from time to time, determine. Any major repairs are to be assessed by the Property Officer and permission to carry out said work is to be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. All vessels on hard site area are to have the owner's name and phone number clearly marked.
(Note the provision under 'Membership' below regarding probationary members charges).
Any major repairs are to be assessed by the Property Officer and permission to carry out the same is to be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Pontoon berths, Work berths and Grids
Prior to any booking being confirmed the health and safety sign in must be completed using the tablet in the office.
Work Berths
Must be booked through the Office which will be available during office hours which are displayed at the entrance.
Pontoon Times
Berthing time on pontoon is to be for a maximum of 3 hours, except for the work berth when booked through the office.
Vessels are to be parked as efficiently as possible whilst on the berths to ensure other member can fit additional vessels onto the pontoon.
No vessel on the pontoon is to be left unattended at any time.
Car parks in the berthing area are max three hours and no overnight parking unless booked on the work berth.
Work berths are located on the inside of the pontoon unless pre-arranged with the office. Applicable daily fee will be incurred.
The grids are no longer able to be used by club members.
Boat owners, visitors, and Contractors at TBC must comply with all instructions by the TBC Club Manager and Staff.
Only ‘minor’ maintenance is to be undertaken on the club jetty and includes such work as:
engine servicing/oil changes.
vessel cleaning and polishing.
electrical works (incl air con and refrigeration).
plumbing repairs.
brush painting.
Prohibited actions associated with boat repairs include:
no materials or substances associated with vessel repairs are to be discharged into the river environment.
there is to be no dumping of excessive unwanted hardware associated with vessel repairs or maintenance in the TBC rubbish disposal system (including bins).
Lockers and Pontoon (Plus agreement)
The dinghy pontoon positions are to remain the property of the Te Atatu Boating Club Incorporated.
A dinghy pontoon position may be allocated to and retained by a current financial member only. No member shall be allocated more than one locker/pontoon position at any time. Applications for locker/pontoon to be processed though office.
The annual maintenance fee for each dingy pontoon position shall be such a sum as the Executive Committee shall from time, to time, determine.
Any member no longer requiring the use of a pontoon position must notify the office of their intention to relinquish their locker/pontoon position rights, whereby their bond will be refunded and the dinghy locker/pontoon position reallocated to the next on the waiting list.
The occupier of a dinghy pontoon position upon having their membership terminated, resigning membership, or becoming an unfinancial member, will forfeit all rights of locker space and will be refunded the original bond.
Unsecured dinghies in the water (Plus agreement)
Dinghies not locked overnight are to be impounded and will be released on payment of a penalty fee, upon proof of ownership.
Dinghies approved by office and holding a parking sticker may remain in water bust be clearly labelled with owner and phone number. Must be chained and locked when unattended.
If dinghies do not comply with the above they may be impounded and release fees will be applicable. After 28 days if the dinghy has not been claimed it may be sold to recover costs.